Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Reteaching Gender and Sexuality from Sid Jordan on Vimeo.

For Poh Productions, re-teaching performing artists about gender and sexuality and how to approach these aspects of identity while on the stage is one of our main missions. This organization inspires us. Feel free to visit their website at

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Classificacions que configuren els nostres cossos. Informació que ens defineix i esculpeix els gestos.  Poh Productions, amb Ona Fusté i Phoebe Osborne creen una recerca als voltants de les categories que condicionen la nostre performance d’identitat.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

we reassemble

“Cognitive embodiment research shows that people see objects and predict the possible bodily actions they afford. In society’s environments, we often follow through with anticipated movements, upholding and strengthening the dominant stereotypes by way of chronological assumptions”
-Raymond Gibbs-

“Movement-based performing art has the opportunity to counter those anticipated actions, by way of reassembling the expected sequential patterns and repetitions”
-Poh Productions-